Advanced Campers -
Advanced Campers -
For those looking for more saddle time, ages 11+ who've already been cantering multiple horses
Available spots
Service Description
For those who've already been students for over 6+ months or have been prior campers here, must be cantering or starting to canter and age 10 or older. This is a more intense camp, follow the leader patterns, speed games. Student's must be already working on their anxiety and ability to do breath work while in the saddle- that doesn't mean they need to be fearless, just able to multitask with guidance. We will have 3 riders in the ring at a time while the others take lunch, and are expected to stay by and watch to learn so they can ask questions during their turn. We will likely have demos scheduled by other horseman/competitors. Day 1 will be introducing you to your mount for the first 2 days, and teaching your how to read body language, needs, and adjust your position and softness for the horse. Groups of 1-3 will help look after the one horse for the.2 days, check water bucket, hay bag, and notice vital signs. What does a safe and healthy stall look like? What is proper grooming? Day 2 we will have you continue to care for the same horse, help feed it, notice more a bout it, talk about body soreness, and body work, basics of horse massage and holistic health or complimentary therapies - we will not go in depth. We will talk about the important of a working relationship with your vet. Check horse vitals again, how are they drinking, eating, pooping? Riders will take turns in 2 separate groups riding and watching each other ride, seeing what the instructor sees. We will swap during lunch. Day 3 We will start our morning session after breakfast (for the horses but also snacks for you) with a warmup ride on our previous assigned horse. Noticing our progress from the previous rides, and discussing what our goals might be in the future. Each group of 3 gets about 25 minutes in the saddle once tacked up, before we break for lunch, brief games, water check. After lunch we are in our same groups, but new horses. We get to learn new normals and needs, and what the horses' personalities are. We will start off learning more about ground work, and getting to know the horse. We may be leading our partners at the walk for the first ride or doing a full lesson depending on how the day goes. Day 4- same second horse, same groups of 2-3, we are learning about our second horse, continuing vital checks, and talking about overall condition heading into summer. We will ride our new horses for an hours after some light ground work. We will pause for
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
1. Refunds & Payments • Refunds are not possible in most situations. Instructor will decide- being dismissed due to behavior from the program does not constitute a refund. • A valid card must be kept on file. This is required. Otherwise you will need to pay for your last month of lessons up front. • Clients with routine late payments or declined cards may be removed from the program. 2. Lesson Scheduling • Lessons cannot be booked on the same day. Even if the system allows it, we won’t receive notice in time. • Payment holds your place but doesn’t guarantee a weekly lesson. If you cancel, rescheduling may not be possible, and your lesson may be forfeited. 3. Cancellations & Rescheduling • You may cancel or reschedule up to 24 hours in advance but not more than one month ahead and not more than twice a month. If it becomes routine you can lose your preferred spot. • After one reschedule per month, additional makeups or reschedules are at the instructor’s discretion. • Missed lessons do not roll over to the next month, and makeups are subject to availability. 4. Attendance & Availability • Students are expected to maintain good attendance. • Missing more than one lesson per month routinely or canceling within 24 hours for a private lesson results in no makeup or refund, except in emergencies at the instructor’s discretion. • Group lessons offer more flexibility for reschedules than private lessons, as there are more options shared. 5. Holidays & Weather Breaks • Rates are based on a 42-week calendar, accounting for holidays and breaks. We do not operate every week in winter though we do our best to hit at least 3/4 lessons even during the worst months weather wise. • Some months will naturally have fewer lessons due to weather or holidays. Breaks are announced at least 5 weeks in advance. 6. Communication & Updates • Updates on available openings will be posted on our Facebook page, website/App group, and barn bulletin board. • It’s the student’s responsibility to check these sources and their email for updates. 7. Emergencies & Instructor Discretion • Emergency situations are handled at the instructor’s discretion. • Full policies are provided in a welcome letter upon enrollment. By participating in our program, you acknowledge and agree to these policies. If you have any questions, please ask before signing up.
Contact Details
3207 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Hilliard, OH 43026, USA